Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Water, Cutlery, Hubs!

Ty Nant Water Bottle

Ty Nant is an upmarket Welsh mineral water brand. They approached UK Industrial Designer Ross Lovegrove to produce a new and updated rebrand of their already iconic bottle. Lovegrove is well-known for his works that are organic and curvaceous, with flowing lines in furniture and lighting products. 

To rebrand the original water bottle, Lovegrove decided to use the idea of flowing water and recreated the bottle as a three-dimensional representation of this. Apart from the visual side of this design, the ripple surface helps to strengthen the bottle allowing a thinner type of PET plastic to be used. It also allows the bottle to have a better grip.

The concept of the bottle is to express the product that is contained within it - in this case, mineral water. A tiny quirk in its design - if the bottle is not full of water or liquid it will become flimsy and will lose its lustre as well!

I like the extreme difference between the old and new designs for the Ty Nant bottles. The redesign for the bottle is very contemporary and suits the product as well, because of the smart concept in creating the bottle as flowing water.

Special Cutlery Style

German Designer Daniel Eltner has designed a quirky cutlery range called "Style". Only certain food types can be used with each particular utensil. The cutlery itself is very thick and chunky making them easy to use. Eltner has combined the human form into his designs: the pasta server represents an arm outstretched with the head of the server mimicking fingers on a hand. Cromargan and porcelain has been used.

A new take at how cutlery should look like. I like how Eltner has put his ideas directly into how the product should be designed, another example of how designers are breaking out of the boundaries and creating inventive designs.

And now for the interesting product of the day!

LaCie Hub

This quirky product from French firm Ora-Ïto offers seven USB ports! Connect your iPod, external hard-drives, Wacoms and storage.


Carney, R., Dennis, T. (2009, May 4). Technology. Computer Arts. 154, October 2008.
Fairs, M. (2006). Twenty-First Century Design. London: Carlton Books Limited.
Wanders, M. (2005). The International Design Yearbook 2005. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd.
Ty Nant Bottles . (2010). Retrieved May, 19, 2010, from
Google Books. (2010). Retrieved May 19, 2010, from
Industry Idea. (2010). Retrieved May 19, 2010, from

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