Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Snot, War, Plants!

Airborne Snotty Vases

This collection of vases is designed by Marcel Wanders. The series is called "Airborne Snotty" - consisting of five individual vases which are named after nasal cavity diseases: Ozaena, Pollinosis, Coryza, Influenza and Sinusitis. The concept behind this was to design the vases from the mucus particles that escaped the nose during a sneeze.

Digital-scanning technology was used to capture these forms. The scanner took a snapshot of the mucus particles as they moved through the air - these images were then transferred to a computer, enlarged, and sent to a rapid prototyping machine which prints the vases in polylamide. 

This is quite a quirky interesting concept resulting in an odd vase design. I like the vases because they're intriguing and they definitely make you look twice, wanting to know more about the design due to the name and overall concept with the mucus particles.


The Warbowl was designed by Dominic Wilcox. This fruitbowl is made out of hundreds of melted toy soldiers resembling shrapnel. The toys were heated under a grill then fused together randomly. Wilcox is well-known for combining textures and properties to create unexpected meanings. 

The bowl contains approximately 250 plastic figures. This particular bowl features soldiers from the Battle of Waterloo with French and British infantry. The Warbowl is not supposed to have any meaning - however some have interpreted it as either an anti-war statement, an innocent childhood memory or simply a humourous use of materials.

I really like this design. The idea of using toy soldiers and fusing them together to form a bowl is a great idea - it's something we haven't seen before. It's interesting to see how designers are starting to use unorthodox methods like fusing and melting materials to create work. Also the fact that the viewer is left to decide the concept makes the work even more mysterious.

And now for the interesting product of the day!

IV Plant Pot

Vitamin Living have come up with the IV Plant Pot, a plant self-watering plant with a medical drip feed so you don't need to worry about it!


Carney, R., Dennis, T. (2009, May 4). Technology. Computer Arts. 260, April 2009.
Fairs, M. (2006). Twenty-First Century Design. London: Carlton Books Limited.
Wanders, M. (2005). The International Design Yearbook 2005. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd.
Dezeen. (2010). Retrieved May, 26, 2010, from
DeTnk. (2010). Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
Medgadget. (2010). Retrieved May 26, 2010, from


  1. Love the war bowl it's such a simple idea but extremely effective, i guess you could see it as a strong message of anti war or just a bit of fun, it reminds me of toy story

  2. + i want an iv plant pot, im pretty sure i've seen it somewhere. Awesome idea though, i would have saved a few plants having one of those.
